Terms of caregiving

Terms of caregiving

As caregivers, we may hear words or phrases from physicians and other professionals that may be new to us. Following are some of the most frequently used terms of caregiving.

cognition – the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience and the senses.

confabulation – a behavioral reaction to memory loss in which the affected person fills in memory gaps with inappropriate words or fabricated ideas, often in great detail.

continent – able to control the bodily functions of urination and defecation

dehydration– the result of fluid intake failing to match fluid loss; symptoms may include thirst, low-blood pressure upon standing and rapid heartbeat.

delirium– acute, reversible state of agitated confusion; marked by disorientation without drowsiness, hallucinations or delusions; difficulty focusing and inability to rest or sleep may occur.

delusion– false belief which occurs without appropriate external stimulation and inconsistent with the person’s own knowledge and experience. Example: refusal to eat for fear of being poisoned.

dementia –a chronic or persistent disorder of the mental processes caused by brain disease or injury and marked by memory disorders, personality changes and impaired reasoning.

executive function – brain-controlled functions that guide various tasks such as planning, problem solving, organizing and directing the body to carry out daily activities; also involves making appropriate decisions, considering consequences, paying attention and prioritizing; progressive decline in executive function results from Alzheimer’s, frontal and other dementias.

hallucination– a false perception having no relation to reality and not accounted for by any exterior stimulus. Example: a dreamlike or nightmarish perception occurring while awake

incontinent– unable to control the passage of urine and/or feces

mild cognitive impairment (MCI) –intermediate stage between the expected cognitive decline of normal aging and the more serious decline of dementia; can involve problems with memory, language, thinking and judgment that are greater than normal age-related changes. You, your family or close friends may be aware that your memory or mental function has “slipped” but generally changes aren’t severe enough to interfere with normal activities.

perseverate– term medical professionals sometimes use to refer to the repetition of actions, gestures, or repetition of a question. This may result from not remembering or other reasons, such as boredom. Example: going through the motions of the activity the person may have previously carried out at work (indicating a need to find structure and purpose) or asking to go home repeatedly, even when at home.

respite care– temporary care provided by someone other than the usual caregiver for the purpose of allowing the caregiver to rest and rejuvenate

skin turgor– refers to the “elasticity” of skin when grasped between two fingers (tented up), held a few seconds and released. Use skin on the back of the hand, or over the forehead or sternum on an elderly person.

Sundowner’s Syndrome – used to refer to symptoms of confusion that occur or increase in intensity after “sundown” in some people suffering from dementia. Although its cause has not been determined, there are several theories about the timing of these symptoms and studies are being undertaken to solve the mystery of Sundowner’s Syndrome.


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