Preventing Dementia

Preventing Dementia

New research regarding preventing dementia has been published in the British journal “Lancet” and also presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference held in London. Prefaced by the dire forecast that globally, the number of people living with dementia will increase threefold by 2050, the report concluded that one in three cases of dementia may be preventable by changing lifestyles.

Professor Gill Livingston from University College London and the lead author of the study remarked, “Although dementia is diagnosed in later life, the brain changes usually begin to develop years before. Acting now will vastly improve life for people with dementia and their families and, in doing so, will transform the future of society.”

As caregivers who have seen the effects of dementia on our loved ones, we should be motivated to encourage our younger family members to pursue healthy habits throughout their lives. While the study suggests that only about one-third of the risk factors are potentially modifiable, that should still be an incentive to address the nine factors which according to the study contribute to a higher risk of dementia. Learn and share these guidelines with others and put them into practice for yourself.

  1. Say “no” to cigarettes. Of course, cigarettes are harmful in many ways, so this is a very important issue in which adults should lead by example. Remember, it is never too late to stop and reverse harmful effects.
  2. Seek early treatment for depression. It is a sad fact that depression is considered the leading cause of ill health and disability worldwide. It increases the risk for addiction, suicidal behavior, diabetes and heart disease. The world in which we live can be a depressing place; counteract with love and contact a professional when needed.
  3. Maintain a healthy weight. Statistics reveal that more than two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese. There is clear evidence that links excess weight to Alzheimer’s. 
  4. Avoid Type 2 Diabetes. Proper diet, physical activity and stress reduction play a big role in avoiding this mid-life plague that is much too common.
  5. Make education a priority. Studies show that education in any stage of life reduces the risk of cognitive decline and dementia. Learning during the early years is crucial, but adults should continue studying throughout their lives. It is never too late to learn something new.
  6. Treat hearing loss. The research team found a link between impaired hearing and mild cognitive impairment, which is a precursor to Alzheimer’s.
  7. Maintain a normal blood pressure. This will help prevent changes in the brain that can increase the risk of dementia. As with Type 2 Diabetes, staying physically fit by eating well, exercising and taking steps to reduce stress will help.
  8. Seek to be physically active. This is a key, not just to prevent the diseases mentioned above, but also to increase blood flow to the brain, which promotes optimal cell activity. Set a goal of at least 30 minutes most days of moderate exercise.
  9. Stay socially engaged by enjoying activities that are personally meaningful. This gives your brain health a big boost. Think fun family activities, stimulating hobbies and volunteer opportunities; you may also want to let the devices rest and have face-to-face encounters with real people. The robots will take over soon enough.

What is good for the heart is good for the brain. By being mindful of these factors, following the guidelines and encouraging others to do so, we can make Professor Livingstone proud by playing a small part in transforming the future of society